Stats on Small Photos
I noticed recently that the stats in my gallery are skyrocketing but it is only on small or thumb images. Predominantly on small images. I'll upload photos and within a couple of days there are over 250 hits on the image. Any idea what would cause this to occur? I use a stat tracking software and according to the stats I rarely get more than 10 visits a day. I only noticed this because I went over 1 gb for the first time in bandwidth used. Still not approaching the limit for sure, but I just want to understand how this happens. Any ideas?
Moon Mullen
Moon Mullen
Hey Moon,
It has to do with a few things - one, a typical "smugmug" style page has 15 thumbs and one medium image. Two - I was on your site for about an hour yesterday looking at photos of Brother Joe and Cheryl (be sure to
Here's some details from our stats page that might help:
I hope this helps...
All the best,
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