My current image is of the birds, but I guess there's a question about whether it's high key or not? Shall I switch? I know it's last minute but in case anyone's looking my two options are:
1. Couch Potatoes:

2. (Current Entry) Couples Therapy

Thanks for anyone's help! GP
I love the cormorant shot.
I thought the same thing as you did... about the differences between the examples posted and true high key... but like you didn't want to open that whole can of worms... maybe we should have?
I love your birds Greta... and between the two choices here... I'd stick with the birds and take my chances. It's a lovely photo.
I live in Encino, CA (SanFernando Valley) and spend a lot of time at the Sepulveda Basin (Bird) Wildlife Preserve, specifically Balboa Lake for the Cormorants. GP