Print size and mounting suggestions?

I am will be donating some of my prints for an upcoming an event. What size prints do you recommend with what size mounts? I.e - 8x10 on a 10x12 mount?
Need lots more info in order to comment. What is the event? What are your feelings, and support for this event? Do you have a budget? If your trying to raise money will the attendees be poor penny less folks or will this group have a fair amount of disposable income?
The event is to raise money for a young lady who has cancer. They are having a silent auction and I was looking to donate a couple of my photos/prints on mounts. To keep my costs down I was not going to frame them.
As far as print size, do something that is going to compliment the detail in your pics and do something decent. 20x30, 30x40 would be the go I reckon.
An 8x10 print sitting on the auction table is going to be a real yawn in my opinion. Something they can see from all over the room is a very different story.
Even if you just donate one decent size Pic, that would be a whole load better than several 8x10's IMHO.
You could set up a backdrop and do the attendees as they arrive then have the prints ready for them to purchase when they wander out after dinner or go home. I have done a number of Charity balls and fundraisers like this and it works well particularly when the organizers promote and push it which they have always done well and truly for me.
I do the room setup before the guests arrive, shoot the key speakers and the official proceedings, the main guests/ patrons on the studio backdrop and then donate these pics for them to put on their site or promote their next event if it's ongoing. THey are always plenty happy with this.
Generally I also donate a family portrait sitting with a large wall print included which has a high appeal value as well.
It's a good time to sell pics as the people are all dressed up, half tanked pretty early on and have been used to seeing and throwing money around.
Sell the pics and donate a percentage back to the charity.
Works well for me.