Everything I Know About the Sony DSC-F828
Because I have 3 of these and still use them on a regular basis even though they are very old, I've amassed a huge amount of knowledge about these, much of which is scattered all across the Internet. Here I will post truths from my experience and correct some incorrect Sony documentation.
Memory Card Limits:
There are several incorrect bits of information on Sony's support site about memory compatability:
Corrections are the following:
Problems and fixes:
Memory Card Limits:
There are several incorrect bits of information on Sony's support site about memory compatability:
Corrections are the following:
- Mark 2 Memory Stick Pro in 8gb capacity works fine, and while not tested, I believe 16gb and 32gb would be fine
- Memory Stick Pro-HG Duo HX in 16gb capacity works fine, and I believe 32gb would work fine as well
- Memory Stick Micro (M2) 2gb Sandisk brand works fine, and I believe that the Sony brand would work fine as well as capacities up to the 16gb listed on the chart
- Compact flash 32gb has worked fine for pictures and 640 std video. It will not work for 640 Fine video because I believe the camera is looking for a 'fixed disk' vs 'removable disk'. An industrial CF card that is a fixed disk should work for 640 Fine, and I will be testing this shortly.
- The Olympus TCON-14B works well with a step up ring, but you will lose a lot of sharpness along the edges. It works great though for panning shots or ones with intentional blur. Like on the Olympus e-20n it is designed for, it will have vignetting at anything less than almost max zoom.
Problems and fixes:
- If the 'access' screen keeps popping up during shooting or filming video, it is because of a defective compact flash door switch.
Pictures and Videos of the Huntsville Car Scene: www.huntsvillecarscene.com
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Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Useful Links regarding IR Photography:
Life Pixel IR Conversions - http://www.lifepixel.com (use promo-code "DEB" for a $16 discount!)
Joseph Levy's IR Workflow - http://www.pbase.com/catson/color_infrared_workflow
Dave Larson's IR Workflow - http://www.pbase.com/dlarson2/ir_work_flow
Infrared Basics (by DPfwiw) - http://www.dpfwiw.com/ir.htm (very comprehensive)
I believe I still have the PDF of the F828's manual, I think I dl'd it from Sony's site, don't remember for sure though, it might still be there! Its pretty large (lots of pages, I've printed it out before). If anyone needs that, I think I can find it, it just may take a little while.
** NOTE: I still have my Hoya R72 Infrared filter in 58mm, I've switched to a Canon-IR body a few years ago
At first I too thought it was the write speeds for the CF cards, but then I researched the speeds of Microdrives--my Hitachi 4gb can only do about 6mb/sec or roughly 6*7=42x. I tried a Kingston 32gb 133x that is waaaay faster than this without luck. So then I was thinking it was related to the 'fixed' vs 'removable' bit on the CF cards or lack or CF+ instruction sets. So I got a Transcend Industrial 32gb that meets these requirements and still no joy.
My Sonys are still my pick of choice when I need just one camera. I don't have dslrs, but I do have a pick from multiple copies of Olympus e-20n, Panasonic dmc-fz20, and the Sony. The Sony just fits the bill with a versatile zoom, decent shutter lag, impeccable low-light focus (thanks to the laser), 480p video, and terrific battery life. I wish I could upgrade to a Canon with a battery grip, but it's just not worth bridging the small quality gap for the type of shooting I do--at least right now. Very cool about the infrared! I had no idea this could be done without modifying the body.
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If you're in the mood to experiment, I found this link to some that are quite cheap:
You can also still find these brand new, but the 6gb models are rarely cheap.
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