Many Photos: Not saving all keywords
In any gallery with more than 495 photos (and I have many of them), the Many Photos: Caption/Keyword tool is no longer saving keywords after the first 495 photos. Keywords are saved for the first 495 photos, the keyword data for the 496th photo is wiped out, and nothing is saved for the remaining photos. Also getting occasional Gateway timeouts when saving. Whether it times out or not, nothing is saved for any photo after the 495th one.
I have had to resort to adding keywords one photo at a time, and even that is acting strange; not displaying the keywords and saying "[indexing]", but instead just changing "Add" to "add" or "Edit" and not showing the keywords at all (although they eventually show up sometime later).
Since the race season just started for me I can't tell how long this has been going on. I do know it has worked perfectly the past two years for galleries with up to 2,000 photos.
I have a big race event coming up in two weeks where I will have several galleries with over a thousand photos each to index by keyword and cannot possibly do this one-at-a time. I have emailed support heroes several times but have not received any satisfactory answer and am not really sure they understand the problem. I'm getting worried.
Is this a widespread problem? Is there an eta on a solution?
PS. My day job is software engineer. I'd be happy to help if I can.
Harry Lefrak
Lefrak Photography
In any gallery with more than 495 photos (and I have many of them), the Many Photos: Caption/Keyword tool is no longer saving keywords after the first 495 photos. Keywords are saved for the first 495 photos, the keyword data for the 496th photo is wiped out, and nothing is saved for the remaining photos. Also getting occasional Gateway timeouts when saving. Whether it times out or not, nothing is saved for any photo after the 495th one.
I have had to resort to adding keywords one photo at a time, and even that is acting strange; not displaying the keywords and saying "[indexing]", but instead just changing "Add" to "add" or "Edit" and not showing the keywords at all (although they eventually show up sometime later).
Since the race season just started for me I can't tell how long this has been going on. I do know it has worked perfectly the past two years for galleries with up to 2,000 photos.
I have a big race event coming up in two weeks where I will have several galleries with over a thousand photos each to index by keyword and cannot possibly do this one-at-a time. I have emailed support heroes several times but have not received any satisfactory answer and am not really sure they understand the problem. I'm getting worried.
Is this a widespread problem? Is there an eta on a solution?
PS. My day job is software engineer. I'd be happy to help if I can.
Harry Lefrak
Lefrak Photography
I am really sorry about that. We are aware of this issue and the engineers are working on this to solve it as soon as possible.
Please standby.
Still standing by..... still not fixed.
Do you have a better work-around then what I'm doing, which is to create multiple galleries each with 495 or less photos, add all the keywords, then combine them into one gallery with the Many Photos / Move to Gallery tool?
The main downside to this is once the galleries are combined no mass additions or changes can be made to the keywords.
My photo event this weekend will have over 5,000 photos from 3 cameras that have to be sorted and indexed with keywords. Add to that the multiple gallery work-around and a difficult job becomes an extremely difficult job.
Any good news?
Lefrak Photography
As a workaround, you could go about adding captions and keywords prior to uploading the photos. You can use any photo editing / managing software that allows adding of IPTC metadata. We support caption and keywords from IPTC metadata (or even XMP) and would import them upon uploading.
SmugMug Support Hero
is there a way to edit keywords once loaded other than a) individually or b) using the main caption tool?
I cannot delete them on every photo. I mean, I can, but I don't want to go through that effort.
Is there a gallery setting to disable keywords? I don't want them in any gallery.
(Hmmm. Maybe I should ask that question in a separate thread.)
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
The issue with the caption/keyword tool is still being worked on. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.
SmugMug Support Hero
I uploaded a large gallery and wanted to add a universal caption to all of them using the Many Photos tool. I ran into the OP's problem, and only the first 495 photos received a caption, and the others were left blank.
However, it appears that the Many Photos tool will work correctly for the first 495 photos you have in the current sort order. It wasn't pretty, but I was able to apply my caption 495 photos at a time, simply by rearranging my gallery by "caption", which would keep moving the empty ones to the top.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an option to sort by keyword, but playing around with the other sort options might bring your desired photos to the top of the list.
SmugMug Support Hero
I had added CSS to not show keywords, so I first removed that code. Then I used the Caption/Keyword tool to add a keyword to every photo.
But when I went to check, keywords were not showing up in my gallery. I double-checked to make sure that I removed the CSS code. Yep, done. Keywords? Nope, not showing.
Therefore I cannot conclude that your fix has worked. I am puzzled about why keywords weren't showing up after I deleted the CSS. Maybe the Smugmug gods knew how irritated I was about the original problem that the site knows not to show me keywords.
Anyway, I tried to test the fix, but my own clumsy ignorance prevented me from being effective at it.
If you want, I can try it all again. I don't know if others have tested the fix or not. Rainforest, just let me know.
PS -- I have since put the CSS code back in, and deleted the test keywords.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
Click the "edit" next to the keyword under a main photo. Might see an indexing message.
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That's the weird thing -- the keyword label with the edit option wasn't appearing under the main photo at all. Even after I removed the CSS code that supposedly is suppressing keywords.
From your response it sounds like you'd like an independent user test. I'll try it again.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
#photoKeywords {
display: none;
Take the above out, then change this:
.notLoggedIn #photokeywords {display:none;}
To this:
.notLoggedIn #photoKeywords {display:none;}
I just tested the caption / keyword tool, I was able to add and remove keywords to a gallery of 2996 images without issues.
Wow. Thanks richW for looking into this for me. I did not even realize I had that code (mentioned first) at the bottom of my CSS. That is some really old stuff.
Everything got confusing for me because I went to the Smugmug Black Arts style and the keywords showed up. So that's when I discovered that the Caption/Keyword tool didn't work fully. But then I went back to a slightly customized gallery style and the keywords went away. I had a case of mistaken cause-and-effect. I thought the reason the keywords went away was because of my CSS code you mentioned second (added recently), not the CSS code you mentioned first (added a very long time ago).
That last sentence was ridiculously convoluted, but I hope you get the gist.
There needs to be an embarrassed emoticon so I could use it here. Making this all more embarrassing is that I am a Computer Science major and have spent my career in IT. To be fair though, my degree was back in the stone ages when we still used punched cards, and my career was in management so I never learned CSS.
From your suggested fixes I infer that it is important to use upper-case and lower-case "commands" as appropriate. Typing URLs and email addresses where case is meaningless has obviously created bad habits in me.
I will fix my CSS code. And not bother to test the corrected Caption/Keyword tool, because the bug has obviously been fixed.
Once again, Smugmug support is the best online support I have ever experienced.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
If only it came two weeks ago so I wouldn't have had to upload this gallery as seven different galleries, add the keywords to each gallery, and then combine them into one. At least I won't have to do that again (hopefully). Thanks!
Lefrak Photography
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky