Rock patterns and textures
Over the last 12 months Ive moved location, to my detriment there is limited things to photograph in this dust bowl.
Recently Ive been exploring the coastline and found some Ocean caverns and like looking at the patters and textures that years of water smashing against it has produced.
The below image was shot with a 35mm nikkor lens then stitched.
Shot right on sunset which had light bouncing all over the place.
Certainly not sure that its one of my finest shots but interesting anyway. Thanks
Recently Ive been exploring the coastline and found some Ocean caverns and like looking at the patters and textures that years of water smashing against it has produced.
The below image was shot with a 35mm nikkor lens then stitched.
Shot right on sunset which had light bouncing all over the place.
Certainly not sure that its one of my finest shots but interesting anyway. Thanks
There's got to be something to shoot!
Nice crossbeds. A panorama like this doesn't do well in reduced sizes. Could you host it and link a larger version instead of attaching it?
Link to my Smugmug site
here is the link at 5000pxl.
Its in a major mining town, nothing pretty about this place lol
It doesn't have to be pretty, but if you've got the ocean and coastline I'd think there was some potential there for classic landscapes.
Your rock detail shot is interesting, but the processing gives me a headache. I don't know if it's HDR, or a cartoon filter, or if your stitching program does some sort of indexed color. The concentration of dark splotches reminds me of some HDR artifacts. Either way, I know you didn't ask for C&C, but the lack of all but deepest shadow gives me no perspective and takes away almost all keys to depth perception for me.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
I agree its quite intense on the eyes, esp in the larger version and really just playing around with the image. The stitching isnt the problem and i feel some off the depth is lost when the image is converted from a sphere into a flat image. I do think that the effect is lessened the further you are away from it. Its not as though we view large prints from just over a foot away from our face like we do on a monitor. (playing devils advocate) or maybe I have crap eyesight lol
The coast line is quite hardcore, that I can handle however a majority isnt accessible unless on quad bike and or with the right tide conditions. Even my Land-cruiser on the occasion struggles and been passenger in wayyyyyy to many 4WD's that have been bogged. Around town is extremely flat other then the mining equipment, road kill, cargo vessel, emu export (beer) cans that litter the town and trains