Custom domain inside page information

This may be a niche problem, or maybe not. I occasionally look at my site and see (mostly) plain text with a few thumbnails. The cause turns out to be our company's filtering software. We filter generally as a class from some users, and periodically I get caught with default settings. We do not filter most custom domains.
What is happening is that the page itself is from my domain (, but when it loads a lot of the style and formatting is hard coded against, style shees being a good example.
Are there alternatives to that, e.g. putting "cdn", "adi" and other hosts as a host in my domain, then setting the default domain somewhere?
It's not a big deal, but I wonder how often for people the mixture of domain names combined with company filtering software might cause unexpected results.
In my case not a big deal, I can just fix it in our filtering software since I happen to manage the guys who control it. But wondering if generally users have a way to keep their domains "pure" on the page loads?
What is happening is that the page itself is from my domain (, but when it loads a lot of the style and formatting is hard coded against, style shees being a good example.
Are there alternatives to that, e.g. putting "cdn", "adi" and other hosts as a host in my domain, then setting the default domain somewhere?
It's not a big deal, but I wonder how often for people the mixture of domain names combined with company filtering software might cause unexpected results.
In my case not a big deal, I can just fix it in our filtering software since I happen to manage the guys who control it. But wondering if generally users have a way to keep their domains "pure" on the page loads?
I'm not sure of the answer to your question so I'll check with our domain name specialists.
If you have other issues, feel free to contact us directly:
SmugMug Hero & CSS Monkey
But no matter, as I said, I can fix it for myself. Just thought you guys might be interested in more generally addressing the issue. Or that it already was and I didn't know how.
Thanks for the followup.
SmugMug Support Hero