Pros who sell on smugmug: product catalog changes

BaldyBaldy Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,853 moderator
edited October 8, 2004 in SmugMug Support
Last night we made the following changes to the product catalog, which will affect many of you:

1. It turns out we had been given the wrong product IDs for 4xD matte and lustre — they were reversed. I'm sorry to say this but if you offer certain 4xD finishes and not others (like yes to matte and no to lustre), our switch last night may have made it so now lustre shows up in your offering and not matte.

2. The (somewhat lame) refrigerator magnets we've been selling have been discontinued and replaced with two much-improved ones, called Flex Magnets. The small flex magnet is about 2.5 x 3.5 inches and the large is 3.5 x 5, both with rounded corners.

We have removed the old from the catalog and added the two new ones, but set your portfolio pricing to zero so they don't show up yet in the shopping cart for your customers.

The quality of reproduction on this is far superior to the old ones. Note they take a rectangular photo now, not square like the old ones did.

3. We have added an 11-ounce black mug.

4. And a photo tote bag.

Again, your portfolio prices were set to zero.

Unfortunately, we don't have detailed product descriptions online for the new magnets, black mug, or photo tote bag. We had to add them to the database so we could order our own and create product shots for them. We expect to have the product shots and descriptions online by this weekend.

By the way, fridge magnets sell better than any other gift product.


(Here's a pic that EZ Prints uses on their page about the new magnets)



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