Passworded gallery thumbs

Is there a way to add a class to the featured thumb for a passworded gallery? I'd like to make it so when the thumb of a passworded gallery is hovered the image changes. However, I do not believe there is a unique class for the thumb of a passworded gallery if there is a featured image like there is if it's the standard SM generated "locked gallery" thumb.
I seem to remember that I was given some JS once to add a class to the passworded gallery "passwordPage" when one did not exist.
I seem to remember that I was given some JS once to add a class to the passworded gallery "passwordPage" when one did not exist.
I know I come up with crazy ideas sometimes but I thought someone here would know how to do this with all the brain power on this site.:D
toni, have you tried something like this yet?
you could use an image with type of rule also...something like this, but you'd have to tweak the position and add your dimensions into it:
obviously this can be applied to a whole category via css...I'm sure you could write a script that would look for "locked" galleries and apply this css to all locked galleries.....let me know your thoughts on it.
My Smugmug Site
Thanks for input. I have no idea how to write script. I'm a cut and paste guy. How exactly will this script work? Do I apply it in the cutom header section?
I'm actually trying to get this to work for all locked galleries and have a set hover image to show it's locked and requires a password.
For now, just give it a try in your CSS and see what you'll only see the change on this page:
I'll look into a script for you so it applies on locked galleries...
My Smugmug Site
I tried it. It's pretty close to what I would like. I'd rather have a stock png file but we can work on that. If you can get ti to work for all locked galleries that would be great.