Shiawassee Nalt Wildlife Refuge - Michigan

C/C Welcome
"Over 200 species of migratory birds (277 total recorded species), including raptors, shore and wading birds, and more than 100 songbird species visit the refuge annually. Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge is designated as a United States Important Bird Area for its global significance to migratory waterfowl. During peak populations usually in late October, up to 20,000 Canada geese and 30,000 ducks are present."
"The refuge contains 9,427 acres of bottomland-hardwood forests, marshes, pools, fields, and croplands. .... Four rivers meet on the refuge - the Flint, Tittabawassee, Cass, and Shiawassee."
I realize these are not the best shots, but the best I can do with current camera and lens. (I know, I know, equipment does not make the photographer, but it does limit him/her.)
1. Sign says it all - miles of walk and rugged road pathways.

2. Great Blue Heron - wingspan up to six feet.

3. Checking what bird this is - Anybody know?

4. Lots of Egret (Probably "Great Egrets, but Snowy are also in the Refuge.)
"Over 200 species of migratory birds (277 total recorded species), including raptors, shore and wading birds, and more than 100 songbird species visit the refuge annually. Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge is designated as a United States Important Bird Area for its global significance to migratory waterfowl. During peak populations usually in late October, up to 20,000 Canada geese and 30,000 ducks are present."
"The refuge contains 9,427 acres of bottomland-hardwood forests, marshes, pools, fields, and croplands. .... Four rivers meet on the refuge - the Flint, Tittabawassee, Cass, and Shiawassee."
I realize these are not the best shots, but the best I can do with current camera and lens. (I know, I know, equipment does not make the photographer, but it does limit him/her.)
1. Sign says it all - miles of walk and rugged road pathways.

2. Great Blue Heron - wingspan up to six feet.

3. Checking what bird this is - Anybody know?

4. Lots of Egret (Probably "Great Egrets, but Snowy are also in the Refuge.)

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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks for the information.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Yes, it is a very nice location. This year, as you might expect, it is a little dry and water levels are down. I am looking forward to mid to late October when there are reportedly 10s of thousands of geese and ducks.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
I would enjoy sitting there for hours without even shooting a pic.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.