Old photo, new website
Hi all. Here's an old photo of mine, but one that grows on me with age, to the point that now, it's one of my favorites. I'm fairly certain I never posted it here (took it long before I became a member).
This photo is of mangrove roots reaching for fresh air amidst the fossilized reef on Key Biscayne, in Miami, Florida. I loved the colors of that sunrise, it was a magical morning. I hope you enjoy.

I'm also, for the first time, showing off my new website: www.MattTilghman.com
It is VERY MUCH a work in progress. Only one gallery has started to be transferred over, and that's "The Sea" (and it's nowhere near finished).
I'd love feedback on the overall appearance, aesthetics, anything you find annoying, general suggestions, etc. I know that the links besides "The Sea" aren't functional yet. Also, should any hardcore web developer's mosey over and delve into my code, don't judge it, I know it's messy, please don't comment on that, just the appearance of the site, bugs, etc. Feedback very very appreciated!
This photo is of mangrove roots reaching for fresh air amidst the fossilized reef on Key Biscayne, in Miami, Florida. I loved the colors of that sunrise, it was a magical morning. I hope you enjoy.

I'm also, for the first time, showing off my new website: www.MattTilghman.com
It is VERY MUCH a work in progress. Only one gallery has started to be transferred over, and that's "The Sea" (and it's nowhere near finished).
I'd love feedback on the overall appearance, aesthetics, anything you find annoying, general suggestions, etc. I know that the links besides "The Sea" aren't functional yet. Also, should any hardcore web developer's mosey over and delve into my code, don't judge it, I know it's messy, please don't comment on that, just the appearance of the site, bugs, etc. Feedback very very appreciated!
check out my photos and photoshop blog: www.MattTilghman.com