Your title is really a joke gone bad... thus, I suspect, no responses.
How do you expect us to respond: "Ha, good one, Tony" ? Do you think the female viewers appreciate this? Or parents of girls? Or... Again, let the title identify the thread, not prejudice the photographic viewing.
Your title is really a joke gone bad... thus, I suspect, no responses.
How do you expect us to respond: "Ha, good one, Tony" ? Do you think the female viewers appreciate this? Or parents of girls? Or... Again, let the title identify the thread, not prejudice the photographic viewing.
As a parent of a girl - pretty, too , though now a woman- I would have no
objections to anyone noticing that she is pretty. Nor was I concerned about
anyone who thought my wife pretty. Considering that this image
shows nothing more than a pretty face, I would not expect any female viewer
to be troubled by it or the title.
As to your prejudices, they are yours...not mine. I don't assume anything
when I see the title "Dinner Date". I don't have that kind of mind. I form
my opinions on the image.
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited July 17, 2012
I've got to side with Tony on this one. I see absolutely no reason why this shot would offend the female sector or parents of a girl. It's not a demeaning image by any stretch of the imagination. It emphasizes the presence of a pretty girl. My wife and two nieces find the picture to be appealing and quite innocent. We are all entitled to our own opinions but I see Rainbow's reactions to be rather distorted...not at all in sync with the input I got from other women.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Tony - sit down :-) - I'm with you. I am about as PC as anyone gets on this list, and while I think the title is pretty silly - sorry, Tony, as the father of a daughter and grandfather of a granddaughter, there is no way I can find this sexist or offensive. The young lady is really gorgeous, so much so that the goofy dog fades from view. In fact, her beauty is so obvious, that if I was looking for a silly caption for this, I might even go with "What a dog!" because it would be so obvious at first glance that it is a play on the common use of that phrase.
Rainbow, I normally would be with you, but not this time. :-)
HOWEVER...I think this is yet another example of why the less we use cute titles, and simply present our images and let them speak for ourselves, the better off we are. For instance, understanding the argument that titles help when one wants to go back and search for an image - assuming anyone really remembers titles, suppose for a week we tried titling our images by the photographer's last name - and the this one would be TONY071712. If Tony posted another image today, he could call it TONY071712.2?
What dog? I do see a baby NYC sewer rat with a hat and clown collar.
The photograph was taken at a Bastille Day fête sponsored by a
French restaurant and some local businesses. As part of the festivities,
there was a contest for the best dressed dog in a French theme.
"The best dressed dog" is an oxymoron to me, but to each his own.
I personally don't feel the title objectionable.
As a matter of fact, I'm a grandpa' and will not be bothered by the way it is labeled if it was my granddaughter.
With such a beautiful girl as main subject my question will be:
I'm not going to comment about the dog because obviously the beautiful girl is the center of attraction here. However, what I find so interesting is that by analyzing Tony's image using color correction by numbers (a technique used to correct the white balance of an image using threshold and level adjustments in Photoshop) the RGB values at the blackest and whitest areas are consistent to be 2 and 254. For me, that means the image is correctly color balanced. Maybe, we just want to see it a little warmer due to the semi-backlight position of the subject. Nice work, Tony.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
I personally don't feel the title objectionable.
As a matter of fact, I'm a grandpa' and will not be bothered by the way it is labeled if it was my granddaughter.
With such a beautiful girl as main subject my question will be:
Ps.It is blue.
I agree completely about the blue. Opening the RAW file, the color
temp is 5200. Moving that to warmer corrects the blue.
The shot was taken a t 6:32 PM on a very sunny day with the sun
to the girl's right (as we view her). White balance was Auto, but
the camera was on shutter priority at 1/125th, ISO 200. That's what I usually
set the camera to when shooting in a crowd where some will be in
shadow and some in the sun. Dunno why this is so "cool".
My error in processing by not warming up the color temp.
How do you expect us to respond: "Ha, good one, Tony" ? Do you think the female viewers appreciate this? Or parents of girls? Or... Again, let the title identify the thread, not prejudice the photographic viewing.
BTW, way too blue on the processing...
As a parent of a girl - pretty, too , though now a woman- I would have no
objections to anyone noticing that she is pretty. Nor was I concerned about
anyone who thought my wife pretty. Considering that this image
shows nothing more than a pretty face, I would not expect any female viewer
to be troubled by it or the title.
As to your prejudices, they are yours...not mine. I don't assume anything
when I see the title "Dinner Date". I don't have that kind of mind. I form
my opinions on the image.
But, thank you for noticing. And, it is too blue.
Rainbow, I normally would be with you, but not this time. :-)
HOWEVER...I think this is yet another example of why the less we use cute titles, and simply present our images and let them speak for ourselves, the better off we are. For instance, understanding the argument that titles help when one wants to go back and search for an image - assuming anyone really remembers titles, suppose for a week we tried titling our images by the photographer's last name - and the this one would be TONY071712. If Tony posted another image today, he could call it TONY071712.2?
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
The photograph was taken at a Bastille Day fête sponsored by a
French restaurant and some local businesses. As part of the festivities,
there was a contest for the best dressed dog in a French theme.
"The best dressed dog" is an oxymoron to me, but to each his own.
I personally don't feel the title objectionable.
As a matter of fact, I'm a grandpa' and will not be bothered by the way it is labeled if it was my granddaughter.
With such a beautiful girl as main subject my question will be:
Ps. It is blue.
I agree completely about the blue. Opening the RAW file, the color
temp is 5200. Moving that to warmer corrects the blue.
The shot was taken a t 6:32 PM on a very sunny day with the sun
to the girl's right (as we view her). White balance was Auto, but
the camera was on shutter priority at 1/125th, ISO 200. That's what I usually
set the camera to when shooting in a crowd where some will be in
shadow and some in the sun. Dunno why this is so "cool".
My error in processing by not warming up the color temp.
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