Untitled #2.

I'm having a hard time putting titles on my images lately so feel free to suggest one on this. Thanks for viewing.
Nikon D70, Nikon 80-200mm f/4.5-5.6D lens.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
Titles usually are thread holders/identifiers. Best if they do not bias the viewers perspective on the photo. Occasionally they could be amusing. In this case, "e" might make an appropriate title.
Nice image. I wish everyone had been as engaged by whatever that young woman in the middle is engaged by, instead of looking at you. But it's an image that's full of life, and that's fun.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
We can't control the expressions of our subjects, but it's too bad that all in
this image aren't on the same page emotionally. Some look happy, some look
unhappy, and the one is very intense. All the same might make it stronger,
but you can't control this. Still, it's good. You have a rich environment to
draw from, and you take advantage of it.
As far as a title, I don't think it makes any difference at all and the brouhaha
over titles is silliness personified. Anyone who is prejudiced by a title and is then
unable to see the image as it is shouldn't be operating complex machinery like
a keyboard.
I open your images without really noticing the title. I open posts by the name of
the poster. There are regular posters who I know offer interesting photographs.
I don't care what the title is, if you, BD, Michswiss, Toerags, and a few others
post, I'll look at the image. And, I'll react to the image as presented without
Pentax K-x and assorted lenses
Faces in the Crowd. A very apt title and very general in concept. Thanks for the suggestion, Konomaniac. Very nice!
Thank you very much, Rainbow.
Thanks, bdcolen. There's a good story behind the image. I was not the main photographer here but the other guy who was in front of this group. I know that he is not the official photographer of the event because nobody is. It's an open for all photography buffet. Since the other photographer is always at center stage I prefer to shoot on the side and look for interesting reactions and gestures. I was really attracted to the lady in front. She is literally pushing some of her friends towards the back as if she wants to be the center of attraction on this shot. The other co-workers are so sport to just laugh at her reaction and this group was the funniest and the most cheerful among all the parade participants. Unfortunately, two of the girls on the left decided to look at me instead of the gigolo photographer in front.
Hey, Tony. Thanks for your insightful comment. Reading this makes me think that you have a good, solid experience on doing some street photography yourself. Your comment reminded me of Jay Maisel when he was interviewed by Scott Kelby about street photography. Thanks for also taking the time to look at my work though I am actually just 3 months into this street photography stuff.
Thanks, Damonff.