What do you use for packaging Cards?

I am looking for packaging options for sets of 5x7 photo cards.
What do you use?
The simple dark brown TAP boxes look OK, and I can add my own branding, but I wanted to find out what others are doing. A bit pricey though
I am looking to package them for point of sale options for art shows, and a couple of retail stores.
Also, I am interested in your experience with photo cards.
What do you use?
The simple dark brown TAP boxes look OK, and I can add my own branding, but I wanted to find out what others are doing. A bit pricey though
I am looking to package them for point of sale options for art shows, and a couple of retail stores.
Also, I am interested in your experience with photo cards.
I found a couple of other posts of yours. So you just sell your cards separately with volume discounts. That would simplify what I was thinking in groups of 12 or 25, and then what to include in boxes was where I was at in my mental process. Your approach simplifies things a bit.
I use the Entrada Moab for my fine art prints and have a roll of the 190 bright. I was planning to use the same for my cards. What do you use, and what has been your experience with paper?
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