A Wine Bottle Viewed Differently

It's being filled

I shot a wine bottling event at a small local vanity winery. The winery provides the barreling, aging and use of vintner equipment (labels & caps). They broker the grapes, set a price for the barrel and different people become partners of the wine in the barrel. When the wine ages sufficiently, it is the partners who have to supply the labor to bottle. These are the pix of one group. BTW, it's fun to bottle as you consume the results of the wait...

A break from capping


Aging wall

I shot a wine bottling event at a small local vanity winery. The winery provides the barreling, aging and use of vintner equipment (labels & caps). They broker the grapes, set a price for the barrel and different people become partners of the wine in the barrel. When the wine ages sufficiently, it is the partners who have to supply the labor to bottle. These are the pix of one group. BTW, it's fun to bottle as you consume the results of the wait...


A break from capping


Aging wall
