Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge #108 H2O

Welcome to Round #108 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges.
This challenge is for all dgrin members.
It will run from Monday, July 23, 2012 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) on through Monday, August 6, 2012 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8).
The theme this round for your interpretation will be: H2O
Time to get wet behind the ears and explore the wonderful world of water! Whether you dive under it
or shoot from above it or pour it or drip it...however you would like to wow us with your capture of
good ole quenching H2O. Be creative to have orignality and not be just another drop in the bucket!
Remember, that lighting can change the ordinary to the unique. As well as a good day of hiking,
whether it be in wilderness or to the community pool or local fountain.
BE CREATIVE, that is the real challenge here!
There are no editing restrictions this round.
Your Judge:
1 round 72 Hour Public Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a SmugMug gallery. It's pretty simple,
just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page:
DSS #108 Entry Gallery
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period.
Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your EXIF will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge RULES.:deal
This challenge is for all dgrin members.
It will run from Monday, July 23, 2012 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) on through Monday, August 6, 2012 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8).
The theme this round for your interpretation will be: H2O
Time to get wet behind the ears and explore the wonderful world of water! Whether you dive under it
or shoot from above it or pour it or drip it...however you would like to wow us with your capture of
good ole quenching H2O. Be creative to have orignality and not be just another drop in the bucket!
Remember, that lighting can change the ordinary to the unique. As well as a good day of hiking,
whether it be in wilderness or to the community pool or local fountain.
BE CREATIVE, that is the real challenge here!
There are no editing restrictions this round.
Your Judge:
1 round 72 Hour Public Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a SmugMug gallery. It's pretty simple,
just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page:
DSS #108 Entry Gallery
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period.
Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your EXIF will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge RULES.:deal
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
My Smugmug Photos
In fact I have a website on the Health Benefit of Water and I even have a page with Water Pictures taken from our travel vacations.
.... and oh, yes, I have changed my smugmug site to travelways.com - that's why my Dgrin name has changed again - I promise, this is the last time
Le't go in the search of water now!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook