Obviously it's a personal taste thing, but I don't like it - just like I don't like painted backdrops. I prefer "real" (or at least real looking) photography.
As it is, it's a miss for me personally. I do think the concept has merit though.
Try lessening the intensity of the lightning and using more dramatic side lighting on the model so it looks like the light on the model is coming from the lightning.
It's not supposed to make sense. roflIt's just a photo.....................
I was thinking it didn't go anywhere, but with no one liking or understanding it must be art.
Whenever I scroll through a very odd looking picture that has a special meaning for me in my recent shots, and I'm showing a friend, I always shout "FINE ART." and laugh.
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Try lessening the intensity of the lightning and using more dramatic side lighting on the model so it looks like the light on the model is coming from the lightning.
Just my two cents Sam..
All kidding aside I rather hear your real opinion than a bunch of greats.
Although I can't get my concept very well translated into a final image, I have updated it.
It's not supposed to make sense.
I was thinking it didn't go anywhere, but with no one liking or understanding it must be art.
Whenever I scroll through a very odd looking picture that has a special meaning for me in my recent shots, and I'm showing a friend, I always shout "FINE ART." and laugh.
It's a defense mechanism.
Maybe if you printed it on velvet?:D