

LiquidElephantLiquidElephant Registered Users Posts: 67 Big grins
edited August 1, 2012 in People
Took these shots with my sister a couple of years ago. Don't remember if I posted them here, but if I did it was several domain-name-changes ago!

Gallery Link




And my first ever attempt at a 'composite' shot (or whatever the proper name is!)

I shot all of these with a Sigma f/2.8 lens that I bought from my boss (at the time) and, frustratingly, everything I shot with it came out slightly unfocused. I've since upgraded both the camera body and the lens (rocking a proper Canon lens now at that aperture) but it was annoying at the time.


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    VayCayMomVayCayMom Registered Users Posts: 1,870 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2012
    awesome job with the composite shot. Works really well. Odd to see abandoned reefers with doors on them. It's illegal in the US due to kids playing in them and getting stuck inside. Looks like a cool location. Your sis is a great model, lucky to have her right in the family.

    NIKON D700
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    BrettDeutschBrettDeutsch Registered Users Posts: 365 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2012
    Interesting work. Nice to see some different creative vibe on this forum. Though I know that most people on this forum, including me, are nearly always horrified by selective color like in #1 :)
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    LiquidElephantLiquidElephant Registered Users Posts: 67 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2012
    Thanks for the feedback :)

    What's so bad about selective colour? ;) I'd never use it if I were doing work for someone (unless they specifically asked for it) but I think it can look good in the right situation. I have a full-colour version of that image up on my gallery, but when we were sitting doing PP, we liked it in B&W and parts of it in colour, so chose to merge the two :)

    A little about the location: it's an abandoned insane asylum in a little place called Talgarth, in Mid Wales. Lots of people have used it actually, though I think whoever is looking after it until it gets demolished is getting wise, and has put up more security since we were there.
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