Upgrade Madness

...well, due to a theft of my working PC laptop, I've got a new Macbookpro and am just learning to get around on it. Not so bad, really, but since the 'puter upgrade I decided to also upgrade to PS6. My "normal" workflow involves processing in LR4 and then, if I want to go on, I utilize external editors...all of which re-import back into LR so I can finalize from there, OR, sometimes, I run the image up to Photoshop for some work there. This is where the glitch is; where CS5 would stack back to LR after I save (usually as a tiff) I can't seem to get PS6 to do it at all. Ideas?
Charlie Groh
(tin can tied to the bumper)
(tin can tied to the bumper)
(tin can tied to the bumper)