I like the watermelon shot, and it certainly is a totally different take on water!
I like duckies better though - awesome shot, great lighting, and bubble bath is definitely water-y.
The first water lily shot is also a great photo.
The others are still nice, but aren't quite doing it for me.
Thanks, Jake!....
I didn't mean to re post watermelon, internet was spotty and I didn't have time to really edit the post...
I'm a fan of the second H20-LIL1, but more as an image, not so much for the theme, I suppose, as there are already some great reflections in the gallery.
The watermelon seems so RED! BUT playing with the colors when I desaturated it the flesh looked, well, honestly, like creepy human flesh in a horror film the moment I took away some color....
Rubber Ducky, you're the one.
H20-LIL1 reflection
I like duckies better though - awesome shot, great lighting, and bubble bath is definitely water-y.
The first water lily shot is also a great photo.
The others are still nice, but aren't quite doing it for me.
I didn't mean to re post watermelon, internet was spotty and I didn't have time to really edit the post...
I'm a fan of the second H20-LIL1, but more as an image, not so much for the theme, I suppose, as there are already some great reflections in the gallery.
The watermelon seems so RED! BUT playing with the colors when I desaturated it the flesh looked, well, honestly, like creepy human flesh in a horror film the moment I took away some color....