How to programmatically invoke smugmug
I'd like to write my own service that will process newly created pictures/videos and upload them to smugmug (first it has to create album, assign a theme, etc). I currently use the smugmug's windows explorer tool which lets me right click on files and upload. I could potentially be happy with silently running that process from my process (as long as I don't have to do it), but I'm not sure if that's available.
Regardless, it would be great if someone can help me out and point me to the right direction. Where I'm coming from is, I take a lot of pictures/videos and upload at least one gallery a day. Transferring these files from my cameras into my computer, sorting them, then uploading to smugmug takes a long time. So I decided to buy couple of the eye-fi cards which will do the transfer/sort part for me, then I'm willing to write a program myself (this is my day time job) which will always run in my media server and upload new files into smugmug automatically.
Thanks for the help.
Regardless, it would be great if someone can help me out and point me to the right direction. Where I'm coming from is, I take a lot of pictures/videos and upload at least one gallery a day. Transferring these files from my cameras into my computer, sorting them, then uploading to smugmug takes a long time. So I decided to buy couple of the eye-fi cards which will do the transfer/sort part for me, then I'm willing to write a program myself (this is my day time job) which will always run in my media server and upload new files into smugmug automatically.
Thanks for the help.
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Sorry, the eye-fi I have, which is the X2 pro one, does not have that. It has integration for facebook, flickr, ftp, mobileme, and picasa. If you can show me how to integrate it with smugmug, you'll save me a few hundreds of line of code:)
I'm getting my Pro X2 card on Monday, so I'll verify Smugmug support then if you don't get a chance before then.
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