How did you manage the lighting on the shaded side of the elk, given that you were shooting into the sun? Did you pull it up in post? Good job regardless.
How did you manage the lighting on the shaded side of the elk, given that you were shooting into the sun? Did you pull it up in post? Good job regardless.
Also, I see this was shot with a super-wide. How close were you to this critter?
I was really close! about 10ft away. I was on my way to the place I was planing to shoot sunset and saw this guy right next to road, so got out and shot a few before heading on. I used a GND filter to help control the exposure, but it still needed more work than I liked in Lightroom. I'm not very good at shooting people or wildlife and usually avoid it, but couldn't pass this one up! Thanks for all of the comments.
Elk and RMNP
I have never visited anywhere in which elk were less scared of people than in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Visit the small town of Estes Park, CO on a June evening (could happen other times but, I only know about June) and you will see the elk wandering through peoples gardens and standing on street corners.
The year I was there, an elderly lady had tried to chase an elk cow and its calf out of her garden. Bad decision! Unfortunately she got between the elk and the calf and was trampled and gored by the elk. She was in serious conditon when I heard about it but, never learned how she fared...
How did you manage the lighting on the shaded side of the elk, given that you were shooting into the sun? Did you pull it up in post? Good job regardless.
Also, I see this was shot with a super-wide. How close were you to this critter?
Great shots!
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I have never visited anywhere in which elk were less scared of people than in the Rocky Mountain National Park. Visit the small town of Estes Park, CO on a June evening (could happen other times but, I only know about June) and you will see the elk wandering through peoples gardens and standing on street corners.
The year I was there, an elderly lady had tried to chase an elk cow and its calf out of her garden. Bad decision! Unfortunately she got between the elk and the calf and was trampled and gored by the elk. She was in serious conditon when I heard about it but, never learned how she fared...
Yep, all with a Galen Rowell 2-stop hard GND Filter and B+W Circle Polarizer.
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