
Facebook Questions

anonymouscubananonymouscuban Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,586 Major grins
edited August 7, 2012 in People
I've been wanting to create a separate FB page for my photography. Right now, I use my personal page. I know many of you photogs have one. I have a couple questions...

First, you're given the option of the type of page you want to create, like Local Business, Company, Artist, Brand or Product, etc. Which did you use?

My other question has to do with image quality on FB. Basically, it sucks due to the compression. Have found a resolution/size to optimize quality on FB?

BTW, would love to see your page if you have one. :clap
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    FoquesFoques Registered Users Posts: 1,951 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2012
    I created mine as a local business.. but really think I should have set up as artist. :|

    as to the dimensions, this will help
    Arseny - the too honest guy.
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    anonymouscubananonymouscuban Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,586 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2012
    ^^^You rock brother. That is so helpful!!!
    "I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."

    Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums

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    eoren1eoren1 Registered Users Posts: 2,391 Major grins
    edited August 7, 2012
    You can always change the 'type' of page. I think mine is setup as Artist now.

    As to the size of images posted, I have been using 600 px on the long end and 72 dpi. FB compression sucks and I'm using the page mostly to direct traffic to my site. Those settings have worked well and allay my fears of people grabbing images for use from my site.
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