FOUND: 1d mark II

Looking for a nice used mark II, no beaters please
Have refs both here and on FM as jlapoint. I would prefer that you be the original owner and a non-smoker.
Sell with confidence! I'm pretty easy to deal with! Located in Orange County, CA and open to face to face deals!

Looking for a nice used mark II, no beaters please

Have refs both here and on FM as jlapoint. I would prefer that you be the original owner and a non-smoker.
Sell with confidence! I'm pretty easy to deal with! Located in Orange County, CA and open to face to face deals!
I got Cam 1 back from the repair department today and it's just like new. They had to replace the mirror box and all associated parts.
Now all I have to do is convince Susan that I should sell the 300d and put the money towards a 20d for Christmas.
Let's see " Honey with the kids on the way it would make it alot easier to capture their fast movements with a 20d and more FPS. Not to mention all the extra megapixels will make them look so much more cute"
Worth a try
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Any plans to break it in this weekend? I'm thinking SJWS or Bolsa this weekend if you're up for it...maybe get the thugs out again