Challenge 52: Show me the money
OK this was somewhat of a no brainer because I am lacking the typical bird for shooting.
Tell me what you think.
ISO 100
Focal length 300mm w/ macro on
ex. time 0.0166s (1/60)
Ex. bias: -1
Tell me what you think.
ISO 100
Focal length 300mm w/ macro on
ex. time 0.0166s (1/60)
Ex. bias: -1

I do really like the perspective/angle/what-have-you. And, cool twist on the theme.
... come along.
I didn't think of that
Good Luck,
Chuck Cassidy,
Marshall, NC
Aperture Focus Photography
Nice one.
That second photo is head-on, flat, and boring. If anything, I'd do something with the first photo to make a jump a little more. Maybe some curves, or even a little contrast. But the composition was good.
I'm kind of curious about the angle that you chose to shoot the eagle from. Is it a subtle commentary on the ongoing war in Iraq or am I reading too much into the shot?
When I was younger I served in the U.S. Army and some of my family members are still serving in the military so I can only tell you that I support my family members and their jobs because they support me and my job.
Also I would like add that as a photographer I try to keep an open mind on my work matter. When I am at the track or at any number of sporting events that I go to for photographs I take my camera and leave my support for any one team or person at home.
So what I am saying is that if I had a Looney or a Tooney (one and two dollar coins for those that may not know) from our brother and sister to the north in Canada I would have gladly taken a photograph of either great looking coin. I do not think that one country is better than the other because there is a photographer of one type or another in every town, city, state, providence, country and nation in the world (sorry if I missed anyone) and I think that it might be the only thing that we as a world have to be happy about.
I hope that I have not offended anyone but the question was brought up and I wanted to tell everyone where I stand on this photograph, it is just a photograph of a one dollar bill and not a political statement.
Don't worry, I didn't take your response the wrong way. I probably should have been clearer in my question and I hope that I didn't accidentally insult you!
When I compose a shot, I choose specific angles to help my images tell a "story". Now I recognize that not everyone shoots that way, and my way is no better than any other. It's just the way I shoot. But it colors the way I look at other works. So I try to get inside the photograhers head and ask what's the story/inspiration behind this shot.
OK, that said, I looked at the shot this way ...
The great seal of the US has the eagle clutching 13 arrows(13 colonies) in one talon and an olive branch in the other. Arrows symbolize war while the olive branch symbolizes peace. Funny how that works. The eagle always faces towards peace, but is ready for war if need be.
You could have shot the eagle from the peace or war side, but you chose the war side and had that slightly out of focus. Given the current state in Iraq, I was wondering if it was subtle statement. But it looks like I read way too much into the shot!
Sorry for the confusion!
I thank you for your comments and letting me know how you see this photograph, it helps to get all the feed back that I can from everyone that way I may also see things as others do.
Have a good day