
First Senior Shoot of the Season

ScootersbabygirlScootersbabygirl Registered Users Posts: 224 Major grins
edited August 11, 2012 in People
This senior was REALLY easy to work with. She just wanted "outside photos" and was looking for something simple. C&C is always encourage!!

1. i-9FvHR92-L.jpg

2. i-5ph7QMx-L.jpg

3. i-Nw2nmKS-L.jpg

4. i-bZXjKz5-L.jpg

5. i-xzNJXsr-L.jpg

6. i-JcgP8Jj-L.jpg

7. i-fRbV5BJ-L.jpg


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    PhotosbychuckPhotosbychuck Registered Users Posts: 1,239 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2012
    I like #1, 3, 6 & 7.
    I don't like the crop on #4.

    Chuck Cassidy,
    D300S, 18-200mm VR, 70-300mm VR

    Aperture Focus Photography
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    Star Noir StudioStar Noir Studio Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited August 10, 2012
    I love the black and white shots... particularly #2 where she is laughing. Gorgeous!!

    Knoxville Wedding Photographer
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    HackboneHackbone Registered Users Posts: 4,027 Major grins
    edited August 11, 2012
    For CC...some no no's Not trying to be mean but trying to help. When staring out there are too many things to watch out for. Hope this helps.

    1. lighting the broad side of her face makes it basically fat so watch out for that and the hair needed some attention.

    2. Nice feel to it but again broad side of the face is lighted and hair needs attention.

    3. Hair again and her eyes need more light as they have a dull look. She has a full face so you need to sculpt her face with shadow on one side to lessen that.

    4. hair again and the hand Grabbing her knee is not femminine. The lighter background does draw you eye away from her. If you want to block an eye with hair then block it entirely not just partially.

    5. Nice warm feel to this one. Wish she were closer maybe the use of a wide angle would get you closer and keep the background.

    6. hair again and the face needs shadow to slim it. Remember artists paint with paint but we paint with light.......bright and shadow. Also the grass coming up from the side is a distraction.

    7. The lighting again makes her face full and a general rule is that the nose should never break the plane of the face on the far side. That rule just makes the print more pleasing. Not sure about not seeing both eyes on this one.

    I hope this does not seem overly critical but just trying to help make a better photographer.
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