How to auto-rotate images uploaded

DerStigDerStig Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
edited August 10, 2012 in SmugMug Support
Is there anyway that this can be done automatically in smugmug? It's a lot of work to log in and rotate images (I know you can do multiple ones at a time, but still).


  • tomnovytomnovy Registered Users, Administrators Posts: 1,103 SmugMug Employee
    edited August 10, 2012
    Hi DerStig,

    I am really sorry but at the moment there is no such possibility to make this an automatic process on SmugMug But you can suggest that feature on our user voice page:

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any more questions.

    Take care,

    SmugMug Support Hero
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  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2012
    If your camera records the orientation while you're taking the photo, SmugMug will be able to use that and rotate your photo automatically upon upload. If you don't have a camera with an orientation sensor, it's not really possible for us to detect how a photo should be rotated.

    If you have an issue with photos you rotated on your computer getting rotated again, that's most likely an issue with the software you're using to rotate the photos.
    In that case, try uploading the photo straight from the camera and see if it comes up properly. Should the photo come up properly rotated, check if your photo software comes with a feature to support the EXIF orientation tag that many cameras record. You just may need to turn on the setting.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • DerStigDerStig Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited August 10, 2012
    Yes actually, I was about to say it works!:) I use Canon T2i and it has the right sensor. For almost 2 years now I have been manually rotating my pictures, I wasted so much time:( I should have tried this before, it was shocking to see all images appear correctly! Thanks guys, smugmug is great:)
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