How about non-eligible shots gallery for each chalenge?

I know it may be considered copycating dpr challenges, but I like the idea of having being able to see/post some nice subject related images whose only fault is they were taken outside the challenge time period... They would serve both as a guide line and as a bar/scale...
Just a thought...
Just a thought...
"May the f/stop be with you!"
You're free to post an photo you like, any time you like
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that would work, too.
OK, I will start. These Gray Crowned Cranes were gracious enough to pose for me last August. Of course, even if I had taken the picture this week I suppose it wouldn't qualify for "the bird" since there are two of them.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
What a display!!!! I would have been beside myself to get that picture!
That's really great lighting, so soft yet everything has a lot of contrast! Great catchlight in the bird's eye too -- a great shot!