
My New Prop

Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
edited August 19, 2012 in People
I can't tell you how long I've been looking for one of these. It had to be the right size, right era, right color and at a price I was willing to pay. Finally! I still need to work on some poses to use it with better, but that will come.

This was my first effort.



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    VayCayMomVayCayMom Registered Users Posts: 1,870 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2012
    congrats . can't wait to see posts of your visions !

    NIKON D700
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    GothamGotham Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2012
    Cool prop, and definitely fits your shooting style beautifully. I think you're going to have to pull it away from the background further though -- the bg looks too sharp in this shot for my taste.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2012
    I can't WAIT to see what you do with this!!! Where did you find it in the end?
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    Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2012
    Believe it or not, early two Sunday mornings ago, my business line rang, and after a little grumbling, I answered. It was a former client, calling from an antique shop somewhere in the Wisconsin boonies. She knew I was looking for a vintage pram, said she found one and would I like to see a picture of it. I said absolutely. A little over the phone haggling and 80.00 later it was mine.

    She even paid for it (I paid her back) and delivered it to me! Guess who gets a free shoot next week!
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    SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited August 19, 2012
    Nice find. I am sure you will get your moneys worth out of it.

    My only comment on the image is that I get the feeling she is going to fall off the right side of the photo. :D

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