DSS #109 choices

I haven't had much free time lately. Finally found some free time today but I found it very hard to think of something I wanted to shoot. I wanted something other than the normal. It actually kept me awake half the night... waking up thinking of things. None of those seemed to work, so I spent the afternoon just taking pictures of all sorts of things, just hoping something would work. I have three that I like. Any opinion on which works best?
1. Colored Pencil - It's been done before, but I had to try it.

2. Q tip - The shots of the q-tips surprised me how well they worked out.

3. Needle Nose Pliers - One of my first subjects, I like the edge, but thinking it isn't really focused well. I could reshoot it.
1. Colored Pencil - It's been done before, but I had to try it.

2. Q tip - The shots of the q-tips surprised me how well they worked out.

3. Needle Nose Pliers - One of my first subjects, I like the edge, but thinking it isn't really focused well. I could reshoot it.

"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
My Smugmug Photos
kdotaylor, Thanks, I think that is the one I am leaning toward.
sweetharmony, Thanks.. I like the zig-zag too. I tried to re-shoot and didn't come up with anything I liked. I don't know why, but I just can't get them the way I wanted.
GretasPics, Thanks... I guess that is what I like is the lighting. Kinda of funnt since I lit it with a tiny little clip on light I got somewhere. Not good for much else.
I appreciate the comments!!
My SmugMug
Yes, they are a bit dark. That is just what I tend to shoot. I can't seem to take light pictures. I like dark, bright colors... all our own taste I guess. It completely throws me when I have to work with lighter things. I will play with them, some and see what I come up with.
The third, the pliers, I tried lighting it several ways and haven't found anything that works. I may give it another shot if I get a chance later.
My SmugMug
The qtip has the best lighting. I like the way it really fades out in the BG. I am not sure about the comp. It is pretty horizontal. Blue is my favorite color, so the BG appeals to me.
Th pliers are a miss for me, both because of the focus and the brightness of the red, which overpowers the subject.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .