Close Up/Macro Advise needed...

OK... so I took a little day trip yesterday. These aren't necessarily getting close AND making small things big... but they are close up. Do any of these meet the theme well enough?


These I took with this challenge in mind... but the light out was so harsh that they didn't exactly come out as intended.



These I took with this challenge in mind... but the light out was so harsh that they didn't exactly come out as intended.


Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
Just for sheer aesthetic value, I really like #2. It a very nice composition, I like the reflection in the water, and I like the way the water reflects the light onto the bird's feathers. But...I don't think it is strong on theme. I love the shot though.
For this theme, I like #3. I like the composition, but agree the light is a bit harsh.
I do have one more bird that I forgot to include... I really like this guy too...
I like the water reflections on the bird in #2, but the kelp is a distraction.
The breast on #5 is a little washed out. I think it is the best. Maybe you could pull out some detail in PP?
#3 might work if you could sharpen it a bit. #4 is too busy.
#1 is nice, but the softness bothers me. Maybe I have spent too much time in wildlife.
I like #5 & on my monitor it doesn't look overexposed, I see some detail in the feathers except maybe in the spot towards the bird's neck. Nice neutral background & like the drip.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .