
Not Quite a Self Portrait.

eL eSs VeeeL eSs Vee Registered Users Posts: 1,243 Major grins
edited August 21, 2012 in People
There is something that I believe every model photographer should experience.

With every job I've had, I have always believed that everyone should walk in the shoes of everyone else within the organization. This builds an understanding of the tasks your coworkers perform, which is especially useful when something goes awry. So for a Meetup group event this past weekend, my favorite model and I traded places. Why? Because I wanted to understand what my models do before, during and after a shoot.

It was the perfect shoot for this idea, too, since the theme was, "Fancy Dress Enchanted Masquerade." I masqueraded as the model and Michelle (you've seen her in previous posts) masqueraded as my photographer, generously giving up her entire evening of being photographed, herself, to help me with this idea. All that Michelle requested was that I set up the lights and do the processing. So after a quick tutorial on my camera and setting up the light (one bare strobe) and the exposure, Michelle did the directing and choosing of props, poses and locations. And, yes, I am wearing make-up, although it's just a light coating of powder. She shot 151 frames and most are usable from her perspective as a photographer. I, on the other hand, ruined a few of the shots. Below is the shot that I feel best represents me, even though I rarely wear a tuxedo (yes, it has tails).


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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather


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    Bryce WilsonBryce Wilson Registered Users Posts: 1,586 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2012
    I like most everything about this except for the shadow thrown by the rim of your glasses. The shadow thrown by the camera makes your thumb look a little odd too.

    Will say one thing though, at least for the photo shoot, you're a pretty snappy dresser. Beau Brummel had nothing on you!
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    joshhuntnmjoshhuntnm Registered Users Posts: 1,924 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2012
    the lighting is a little harsh. I'd like to see a hair light from behind.
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