Mini Chalange # 149 Humor

Ok this is mini challenge #149 and the theme is "humor" Anything you think is funny, humorous, satirical, etc.
Definitely have fun!! That's the point. Be creative. This will take some thought.
The contest will be open until September 5, 2012 8:00 PM people's republic of California time.
1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!
2. The host supplies a topic and you post 1-3 images. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter.
The 1st place winner then chooses the next topic will be the judge
3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.
4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some critique or criticism, just ask within your post.
5. The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.
1. Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.
2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).
3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)
4. Give each image you enter a title.
5. Enjoy discussion with members about their images, don't let this just be an entry thread!
6. When quoting a post change the IMG urls to a 200x200 size picture so it is clear your post is feedback and not another entry. (see here for help)
7. Don't be hesitant, share'em and enter!
Mini-Challenge pointers:
1. Upon winning a mini-challenge round your first step is coming up with a new theme, and start a new thread using the same format as others have used.
2. Make sure to notify the admin of this thread to update the main thread links with your entry thread.
3. Feel free to watch the thread as it grows or wait to the end time and look at all the entries all at once.
4. After the time/date has passed, then officially close the thread with a single post notifying everyone of the fact.
5. After you're finished judging start a new thread (again use the prior formats) and post your Winner and runners-up, it is important to have runners up incase the winner does not show within the 72hr window.
6. PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72hrs.
7. After the 72hrs and the winner does not show up, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact.
8. Remember, if you're the Winner, you run the next mini challenge
Definitely have fun!! That's the point. Be creative. This will take some thought.

The contest will be open until September 5, 2012 8:00 PM people's republic of California time.
1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!
2. The host supplies a topic and you post 1-3 images. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter.
The 1st place winner then chooses the next topic will be the judge
3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.
4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some critique or criticism, just ask within your post.
5. The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.
1. Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.
2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).
3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)
4. Give each image you enter a title.
5. Enjoy discussion with members about their images, don't let this just be an entry thread!
6. When quoting a post change the IMG urls to a 200x200 size picture so it is clear your post is feedback and not another entry. (see here for help)
7. Don't be hesitant, share'em and enter!
Mini-Challenge pointers:
1. Upon winning a mini-challenge round your first step is coming up with a new theme, and start a new thread using the same format as others have used.
2. Make sure to notify the admin of this thread to update the main thread links with your entry thread.
3. Feel free to watch the thread as it grows or wait to the end time and look at all the entries all at once.
4. After the time/date has passed, then officially close the thread with a single post notifying everyone of the fact.
5. After you're finished judging start a new thread (again use the prior formats) and post your Winner and runners-up, it is important to have runners up incase the winner does not show within the 72hr window.
6. PM the winner with this info above and let them know they have 72hrs.
7. After the 72hrs and the winner does not show up, notify the next runner-up and post a message on the Winner thread of the fact.
8. Remember, if you're the Winner, you run the next mini challenge
All the fixins for fine dinning.
A very rare miniature nectar sucking pelican.
1. I'm gonna catchya!
2. Don't you dare to come to my eggs!
3. Do cookies have feelings? ...... Facebook
#2 "Me, me ... me!"
#3 "What mid-life crisis ?"
Current Religious Thought UPSTAIRS
No it is a box for rugs, not a coffin.
Both photos above taken with Kodak Retina Reflex and Kodachrome film. The top one in 1959 and the second one in 1969.
Key West street art statues - Artist's models (photo taken from beside the artist statue)
This one was taken with a Kodak digital camera
Yes, somebody was in the can and encroaching on the bear's turf! Do your own caption on this one!
#1. Say "Mouse"
#2. What's "film"? Alternate title: "How many megapixels does this thing have?"
#3. So where are you sleeping tonight, Mom?
The first two photos were planned, at least as much as anyone can plan a cat photo (set up the props, toss in a cat, see what happens). The final photo was taken when I just happened to walk into the bedroom carrying a camera. Not great photography, but to those who have cats, it is just one of those special moments our cats give us.
I really like this... - what a face! ...... Facebook
Very funny!!!
My caption:
" Oh no, it's occupied!" ...... Facebook
Squirrel Pole Vault. This really happened.
FIRST POPSICLE. Granddaughter.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
2) Hmmm, Ice Cream.
3) Zombie kill of the week.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
1) My podchild.
2) Yes, it's a Nikon.
3) Say, "Cheese!"
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
The Dentist's Daughter
The Legendary California Rolling Stop Sign
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
Thanks Tatiana. A great character to photograph, glad I caught his eye and an element of luck!
your just gonna have to wait.
yes, this is me.
Which one? ...... Facebook