...I'm going to Washington DC for a few days and one of my "bucket list" stops is the Air and Space Museum in the Smithsonian complex. I'll be shooting with a D800 but just thought I'd throw out the question: What lens would you take? I've a good 24-70, actually a good wide and the new Nikon 70-200 also...but I'm just wondering; what about the 105 or the 50 primes? I'm not gonna load up with a bunch of lenses, so it's gonna be one only!
Charlie Groh
(tin can tied to the bumper)
(tin can tied to the bumper)
If its only one lens you are bringing, I recommend the 24-70mm, it will pretty much covers everything from indoor to outdoor! Have a wonderful trip!
Lived there for 18 years and that was my favorite DC attraction other than working very near the White House.
Please post some pics when you return.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
I understand it overlaps, but the 50 will work perfect in low light conditions...
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Anyway if I had that camera and those two lenses that is what I would do.
Have fun and I hope you show us images later.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Either way, IMO a 50 works well in any situation and is small enough to pocket.
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
...I'm in DC right now, just did the A&S museum today, along with a LOT of walking along the mall. I ended-up with my 24-70 and, yes, *thought* about the 50, but when I walked out of the hotel room I had my Tokina DX Fisheye in my fanny pack. Actually hooked it up in DX mode and utilized the widest (10mm) look I could get for some of the areas. It looked good at the time, but I have yet to go through 'em. I'm gonna try to get down the National Mall tomorrow morning at 6AM...had a chat with a park employee and he gave me a tip or two...we'll see! Also will get the other A&S exhibit at Dullas Airport tomorrow...hahaha, with the real purpose of the trip added on (I'll be shooting 3 days of band competitions...the football field kind) I should be working well into October on this stuff!
(tin can tied to the bumper)
I'd put the 105 prime as well as the wider zoom into your pocket.
The museum on the mall has a lot of natural light for the most part but there are still sections that aren't ideally lit, but you're a lot closer to many of the planes than in the big hangar out in Chantilly.