Thanks very much, Michael. The creeks in the area are beautiful, but it's hard to find a good vantage point from which to photograph them. This was the best I found.
Thanks, Mike. "Maybe adding some contrast on #3 though?" A very valid observation. I fooled around with the contrast for some time, separately adjusting it for foreground and background. I pushed it until the results ceased to be believable, then backed off. Not sure what else to do. It was a low-contrast scene.
Thanks, Mike. "Maybe adding some contrast on #3 though?" A very valid observation. I fooled around with the contrast for some time, separately adjusting it for foreground and background. I pushed it until the results ceased to be believable, then backed off. Not sure what else to do. It was a low-contrast scene.
Really like #1. Great colors from the sky and I like the composition with the rocks. I wonder if brightening the rocks a little to bring out some more details would improve it. Could also be my uncalibrated monitor at work.
"I wonder if brightening the rocks a little to bring out some more details would improve it."
I tried that and got horrific noise. Maybe in retrospect I should have been bracketing with an eye towards combining images, but the silhouette approach doesn't bother me.
#1; I like the comp and the fact that you left dark areas dark!
#2; Love those colors together. An intriguing combination.
#3; Tranquil scene
Marc MuenchRegistered UsersPosts: 1,420Major grins
edited August 30, 2012
#1 is a winner!
#3 needs to be dark and moody, as it most likely was! If you lower the contrast to the entire image, then darken, when you add contrast to select areas, ( log and stream ) they will become bright enough to keep interest.
Randy, Marc, thanks very much for the comments. Marc, I will definitely try what you suggest. It's the kind of low-contrast shot I've always had trouble with. Your idea sounds very promising (if I don't foul it up).
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"I wonder if brightening the rocks a little to bring out some more details would improve it."
I tried that and got horrific noise. Maybe in retrospect I should have been bracketing with an eye towards combining images, but the silhouette approach doesn't bother me.
#1; I like the comp and the fact that you left dark areas dark!
#2; Love those colors together. An intriguing combination.
#3; Tranquil scene
#3 needs to be dark and moody, as it most likely was! If you lower the contrast to the entire image, then darken, when you add contrast to select areas, ( log and stream ) they will become bright enough to keep interest.
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