Re-login for stats

Ever since the new account settings pages were rolled out, it periodically requires me to re-login when I'm trying to look at my stats. I'm already logged into SM so there shouldn't be any reason to have me re-login.
Is this a known issue? Any ETA for a fix? Very annoying...
Is this a known issue? Any ETA for a fix? Very annoying...
Thank you for letting us know. We've had sporadic reports of this but we're having a hard time tracking down the cause. Can you provide us with your OS and Browser version? Does it happen in all browsers? Do you have any plugins running that you can disable?
Standing by,
Ryan W.
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Hi Ryan,
I see this happening on two different computers (home and work). One is running Windows 7 (64-bit), the other is running Vista (32-bit).
I'm using Chrome as my browser. Haven't tried testing it explicitly with other browsers because it is intermittent. Sometimes I have to re-login, sometimes I don't. Haven't been able to figure out any pattern to it yet.
The only extensions I'm running are:
* Adblock Plus (Beta) - not currently running on my home pc though
* EXIF Viewer 2.1.9
* Kaspersky Anti-Banner
* Kaspersky URL Advisor
* Kaspersky Virtual Keyboard
Thank you for that information, I will pass it along. What version of Chrome? We've noticed happening more often on FF14, Chrome is not very common. If you notice it happening at least once a week, you might want to try another browser without those extensions for a week or turn them off for a week, esp. Kaspersky. We've had a lot of problems with Kaspersky and uploading, we usually have to disable it entirely to get uploads to work and it's possible it is doing something untoward.
With best regards,
Ryan W.
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Note: we use a Pro account with custom domains from as part of the package we purchased. Conversations with one of the support heroes last week indicated that in our case it may have been godaddy putting cookies on browser from our domain name - outside of smugmug. If you look through the support log I'm sure you'll find the history for our site (in the banner below).
Hope this helps/Pete
On my home PC, it's currently Chrome 21.0.1180.83 m. Will have to check on my work PC when I go in to the office in a bit.
I'm familiar (to say the least) with the issues uploading to SM with Kaspersky, but don't think that's related here. I'm not running Kaspersky at work and I see the issue there as well.
FWIW, I'm not using a custom domain, so that isn't it in my case.
Not 100% sure I'm sure what you are asking... I'm know that Kaspersky isn't related to the re-login issue because I'm not running Kaspersky at work and I have the re-login issue there also.
KS is related to the upload issue however, but that's an entirely different thing and wasn't what I was trying to get fixed right now.
* Adblock Plus (Beta) 1.2
* EXIF Viewer 2.1.9
The issue happened this morning on my work computer. I grabbed a packet capture in case there was anything interesting in it, but with the TLS connection, visibility is pretty limited. There is a proxy server sitting in the middle, but given I don't have a proxy server on my home network and have the issue there, that seems an unlikely source for the problem.
Does it happen if you open your browser fresh? If so, that's normal. The account settings (including stats) are going through a secured https connection. The session for that is only kept for a certain time or until your close your browser.
Once you reopen the browser, for security purposes you will be asked to verify your login.
Some browsers come with the feature to save your open tabs and that might also save your session so you may not have to verify your login.
To clarify, there's a difference between the regular login and the verify login screen. On the login screen you can check the "keep me logged in" checkbox and then there will be a cookie set in your browser that keeps you logged in. That does have no effect on parts of the site where you have to verify your login.
If you still have an issue, I'd recommend that you contact us at the HelpDesk with more details (and a link back to this thread).
SmugMug Support Hero
I never have the browser save my password (I develop network security products for a living).
I'm ok with SM requiring a login validation step to access my account settings (subscription, CC info, etc.). That's similar to how Amazon and other e-commerce sites handle it, so nothing new there.
My argument is that it doesn't make sense for stats to require login validation. There's just no reason for it other than it got lumped in under some of the same pages as the rest of the account info. It needs to be separated out. The normal SM login should be sufficient for stats access.
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Thanks for the feedback though, I've passed it on.
SmugMug Support Hero
As a side issue, but related, you used to be able to check your comments for the last 24 hours. Now you can't, you can only check all of them. When that means loading 40,000+ comments it takes an age, on top of having to re-log-in every time. Come on Smug, you heralded these changes as more wonderful steps forward, but they are driving me nuts.
It's a hardening of security (a good thing). If you use a password manager like I and many do, you never have to worry about it. Go give LastPass a try.
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Hardening of security is only a good thing if it makes sense to secure it. There's just no reason to have a secondary login verification to look at stats.
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SmugMug Support Hero
I'm sure it's not intentional, but SM has a history of not considering things a problem and taking years to finally listen and address the issue. I wish that was an exaggeration, but unfortunately it isn't.
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But in this case, we are paying AND get the unresolved issues for months.
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Tools > view stats now shouldn't ask you to verify your login even if you had the browser closed and re-opened.
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some times going to the control panel you had to re-log in. It was first seen on legacy long before this
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Heroes here should know this issue has been a problem off & on for the past year, and for the past several weeks there have been multiple reports of people getting logged out even though they have "Remember Me" checked. I've been getting logged out at least a time or two each day and some days I get logged out every time I've been on my site. So yeah, it's a mess and I sure wish they'd fix it for once & for all.
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