
Need Portrait Criticism - Several samples

FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,339 Major grins
edited August 26, 2012 in People
I had a chance to attend a local MeetUp event that was (at least to me) unique - models in a "Trash the Dress" theme. I am not a wedding photographer, and I am not good at portraits, but I had the chance to do a few, and would like advice. These are the better ones. This was before the more interesting "trash" part of the event.

These were taken with a D4, mostly with an 85/1.4G. The samples are all in a more or less portrait pose, and I was trying for that classic look with a soft back and front focus, and smooth background. My second biggest problem is knowing how to pose the model, and what a good crop/composition is. My biggest problem is lighting, I was shooting with one on-camera flash (in commander mode) and one off camera flash to get some side light, but exposing for a lot of ambient light and letting the flash kill the shadows a bit. I was benefited from a mostly cloudy day.

#1: Borana; 85/1.4G @ 1.4 1/200th ISO 100


#2: Sammy; 85/1.4G @ 1.4 1/1000th ISO 100


#3: Sammy also; 85/1.4G @ F2.5 1/250th ISO 100


#4: Michele; 85/1.4G @ 1.4, 1/125th ISO 100


#5: Ashley; 85/1.4G @ 1.4, 1/2500th ISO 100


#6: Marina; 24-70/2.8 @ 2.8, 1/80th ISO 100

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