I've barely been off the Island, but I can't wait to get back! It's almost like it calls for you. Would love to be there for the fall colors. I kind of like that idea that few know about the Island or travel to it. Thanks for the nice comments.
I've barely been off the Island, but I can't wait to get back! It's almost like it calls for you. Would love to be there for the fall colors. I kind of like that idea that few know about the Island or travel to it. Thanks for the nice comments.
Oh yes Fall colos there would be surreal.
I just had a thought that photos from there would make be a great photo/video. Some call it slideshow, but when you add music, voiceover, applicable transitions, text, graphics and photos like this it could be big winner.
I will post in the next few days on photohundt.com. I also have some great Bull Moose video, but I can't post that right now. There's a network that's interested in that footage. They happened to be on the Island the same time we were and hoped to get similar shots, but they ran out of time and luck. I packed about 15 extra pounds of camera gear. People thought I was a little crazy, but you got to do what you got to do:-)
Number 8 ?
Number 8 - boat on dock - blue light fascinates me. Can you give some background on that shot? Time of day? Color and lighting close to actual or tweaked a little?
Number 8 - boat on dock - blue light fascinates me. Can you give some background on that shot? Time of day? Color and lighting close to actual or tweaked a little?
It was sometime after 10:00 pm. The data on my photo says 8:30, but I know that needs to be reset on my camera It was shot at 1/160 of a sec at f/7 with an ISO of 1600. I used a Zeiss Distagon 2.8/21mmZE on a Canon 5D Mark II. The original shot is actually slightly bluer but I toned that back a bit to bring out the red in the sky. I also pulled back the midtones a bit to bring out the detail in the pier.
Thanks, Bob
3,4 and 8 make me want to pack up and visit right away!
Is number 4 a composite? incredible details whilst balancing the detail in the clouds
4 is a composite of two shots. One specifically for the moon and then the other for the balance. I probably have 30-40 shots of the moon moving in and out of the clouds and then between the trees. When the clouds opened up as they are in the photo I quickly took the shot and then as fast as I could I adjusted my settings for the moon. I got a couple of opportunities to perfect what I had in mind.
Thanks, Bob
Marc MuenchRegistered UsersPosts: 1,420Major grins
Color me envious.
I expect that few people in US know about this fantastic place.
Phil, Midland, Michigan
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Oh yes Fall colos there would be surreal.
I just had a thought that photos from there would make be a great photo/video. Some call it slideshow, but when you add music, voiceover, applicable transitions, text, graphics and photos like this it could be big winner.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Thanks, Phil
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
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#1 is gorgeous!
#4 mesmerizes me...
Number 8 - boat on dock - blue light fascinates me. Can you give some background on that shot? Time of day? Color and lighting close to actual or tweaked a little?
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
It was sometime after 10:00 pm. The data on my photo says 8:30, but I know that needs to be reset on my camera
Thanks, Bob
Is number 4 a composite? incredible details whilst balancing the detail in the clouds
Jase // www.stonesque.com
4 is a composite of two shots. One specifically for the moon and then the other for the balance. I probably have 30-40 shots of the moon moving in and out of the clouds and then between the trees. When the clouds opened up as they are in the photo I quickly took the shot and then as fast as I could I adjusted my settings for the moon. I got a couple of opportunities to perfect what I had in mind.
Thanks, Bob
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Thanks Marc!