Fall Colors at Fern Spring, Yosemite

Going through my archives and found this image of Fern Spring taken last Thanksgiving day. Can't wait until Fall!

- Mike
Images in the Backcountry
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Images in the Backcountry
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I'll be trying my luck in Bishop/Mammoth/June loop/Lundy canyon this year over a weekend. Can't wait!
site - http://www.bay-photography.com/
blog - http://bayphotos.blogspot.com/
Just not sure about the crop. Its tight and the lower dam almost makes it look like two images butted together.
This is just a personal thing: I just can't come to grips with landscapes in a vertical orientation. My eyes have never observed a landscape that way. YMMV
I do on occasion try it myself though
I struggle with composing waterfalls as well. It's really a very small spring, so trying to show it has been a challenge so far. Of course after the fact, I can see several different compositions. Thankfully, I can re-visit the location.
Thanks for looking!
Images in the Backcountry
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