RNC Day of the Hurricane

Everybody told me I was nuts for going to it and that there was nothing going on. Well knowing protestors I knew they would still be there. I actually had a great time dodging the rain and running after anarchists.
Here are a few of my favorites... so far, I'm still going through and processing some.
C&C is always appreciated and welcome.
Gallery: http://www.rkimage.com/Other/RNC-2012/25036292_Pvptg8#!i=2051178151&k=gs4J37m

Thanks for looking.
Here are a few of my favorites... so far, I'm still going through and processing some.
C&C is always appreciated and welcome.
Gallery: http://www.rkimage.com/Other/RNC-2012/25036292_Pvptg8#!i=2051178151&k=gs4J37m

Thanks for looking.
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
specific instead of the general. A tight shot on the hooded group
is more interesting than a wide shot of a large crowd.
concerned about the prices as the gas pump.
Yeah, she's concerned that it takes $90 instead of $80 to fill up the tank
of the horse van to take her show horse to the airport to send to London.
Also black humor of the highest degree.