Yellowstone's Colorful " Grand Canyon "
This shot is straight out of the camera.... no color bump, no manipulation at all. It's just a gorgeous place.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Its also an area that I personally find illusive to capture its true beauty and grandure, much like the Grand Canyon and Brice Canyon.
I agree with you, Randy. It seems that the best any of us can do is to record various snippets of what we see and hope that, taken as a complete body of work, we're able to impart a sense of the overall majesty that these places possess.
Take care, buddy,
Hi Mike,
I appreciate you dropping by. When shooting an iconic scene like this, I try and do something different...sometimes it works, sometimes not. Your word " inspiring " is very apropos.
Thanks for the visit and the kind words.