Who would pay for a smooth Paypal integration?
With the recent news of the significant price increase, and many people (myself included) considering downgrading from the top account type to the new Portfolio or even Power level accounts, I was wondering if there's any interest in a specific customisation service to sell digital images through paypal?
I have it setup on my site because Smugmug never ended up delivering my currency in their eventual non-US currency support and you can see how it works here:
Basically under each photo there is a box with options to buy 1 or 4mp images along with a link to the paypal cart and a link to a page explaining the sizes.
When someone adds a photo (or several) and pays through Paypal, I get an email with their contact details, and information about the image they bought (filename and type of purchase). It's then up to me to create the 1 and 4mp images and email it to the buyer.
This works incredibly well for me, and there's no commission to pay to anyone (except a very small one to Paypal). The big advantage is that I can specify any currency Paypal supports.
A lot of people have done similar, and there are threads on here about how to do it (I've even popped in and helped occasionally) but I was wondering if there is a market to offer this as a turnkey customisation service?
Here's how I would see it working:
- I provide the graphics templates and you can use them as is or modify them (Colour, wording etc)
- You provide me with your login and I add all the code needed, plus create a gallery on your site with all the graphics needed to support the customisation.
- I let you know when it's done and you then change the password on your site and then add the Paypal keys that identify your site.
- I'll do a test transaction (purchase) to confirm it works.
Who would be interested and what would you value this service at? $100, $200?
Feel free to reply here or drop me a personal message either with feedback or enquiries about how this would work on your site.
Note that Smugmug have confirmed that they view the paypal customisations as nothing more than customisations and they are fine with the paypal transactions being integrated to Power and Portfolio accounts.
Neil Gardner
I have it setup on my site because Smugmug never ended up delivering my currency in their eventual non-US currency support and you can see how it works here:
Basically under each photo there is a box with options to buy 1 or 4mp images along with a link to the paypal cart and a link to a page explaining the sizes.
When someone adds a photo (or several) and pays through Paypal, I get an email with their contact details, and information about the image they bought (filename and type of purchase). It's then up to me to create the 1 and 4mp images and email it to the buyer.
This works incredibly well for me, and there's no commission to pay to anyone (except a very small one to Paypal). The big advantage is that I can specify any currency Paypal supports.
A lot of people have done similar, and there are threads on here about how to do it (I've even popped in and helped occasionally) but I was wondering if there is a market to offer this as a turnkey customisation service?
Here's how I would see it working:
- I provide the graphics templates and you can use them as is or modify them (Colour, wording etc)
- You provide me with your login and I add all the code needed, plus create a gallery on your site with all the graphics needed to support the customisation.
- I let you know when it's done and you then change the password on your site and then add the Paypal keys that identify your site.
- I'll do a test transaction (purchase) to confirm it works.
Who would be interested and what would you value this service at? $100, $200?
Feel free to reply here or drop me a personal message either with feedback or enquiries about how this would work on your site.
Note that Smugmug have confirmed that they view the paypal customisations as nothing more than customisations and they are fine with the paypal transactions being integrated to Power and Portfolio accounts.
Neil Gardner
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
It's certainly not rocket science... and for someone that has done customising before it's really not that hard either. I hope I didn't give the impression it was!
However I remember when I started I knew nothing and even simple customisations took me whole evenings to get up and running smoothly. I'm just thinking there might be a bunch of people out there in the same situation now.
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
There very well might be. So make certain to list this in the 'For Hire' part of the forum. And you could always set up a website and link it in your sig, participate in the forums, etc. offering your service and so on.
Sorry if I sounded a bit crass. Must be the Georgia heat~ I say go for it, go now!