#110 Smooth or not...

Running out of time and ideas, so I decided to use what I had on hand.
1. One of my favorite fruits

2. A different view, but I'm not sure I like the lighter background

3. A close-up (macro really isn't my thing)

4. Even closer

5. Not a candidate, but just in case anyone doubted the end of this story... A reshoot will requie a trip to the store.

I'm leaning toward #1 at this time. Comments, suggestions, and criticism are all welcome. Thank you.
1. One of my favorite fruits

2. A different view, but I'm not sure I like the lighter background

3. A close-up (macro really isn't my thing)

4. Even closer

5. Not a candidate, but just in case anyone doubted the end of this story... A reshoot will requie a trip to the store.

I'm leaning toward #1 at this time. Comments, suggestions, and criticism are all welcome. Thank you.
If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
Thanks again.
If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
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