Challenge Humor Results

OK I am ready to award the winner................
Now the disclaimer, I am not now or was I ever a photography / art / creative expert. MY choice for the winner is just that, my choice. There is no right and wrong here, just perception and opinion. I hope everyone had fun. That is after all the goal. Wait until you have to judge.:scratch:huh:cry
I copied the images I thought best represented the subject and placed them in a collage. I have not paid any attention to who submitted what. It ain't about who but what.
Here are the contenders in no particular order:

This one reminds me of a couple how have been married for 50 years, and came in at #3.

This is one of my favorites and I thought it deserved second place.

For no particular reason I can articulate except it brought a bigger smile to my face I picked this one as #1. Congratulations Sciurusniger!!
Now the disclaimer, I am not now or was I ever a photography / art / creative expert. MY choice for the winner is just that, my choice. There is no right and wrong here, just perception and opinion. I hope everyone had fun. That is after all the goal. Wait until you have to judge.:scratch:huh:cry
I copied the images I thought best represented the subject and placed them in a collage. I have not paid any attention to who submitted what. It ain't about who but what.
Here are the contenders in no particular order:

This one reminds me of a couple how have been married for 50 years, and came in at #3.

This is one of my favorites and I thought it deserved second place.

For no particular reason I can articulate except it brought a bigger smile to my face I picked this one as #1. Congratulations Sciurusniger!!

I'll think up something for the next challenge and post it tomorrow morning.
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
Congrats fellow Michigander/Michiganian. I note you live in the great state of Michigan. I live in Midland, how about you?
Midland, Michigan
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
Congratulations SciurusNiger ...... Facebook