The Crystal Mill

We were on a camping trip in Colorado last week and I had to seek out and try my hand at the often shot Crystal Mill near Marble Colorado.
My results, CC welcome:



My results, CC welcome:




Thanks Trey
The photos of the road in the other thread are between Crystal and the Lead King Basin. The road from Marble past the Crystal Mill into the town of Crystal is pretty easy. Your Sequoia would have no problem getting all the way to Crystal. You would only need a jeep if you want to go past there up into Lead King Basin. Although if you will be looking for fall colors, that would be an awesome place for it. The basin was lined with large stands of Aspen mixed with blue spruce. I wish we would have gone in there 3-4 weeks later and been able to enjoy the fall colors.
The Mill shots were taken with two lens. I shoot with a 7D. The wide angle was my 10-22 and other closer images were taken with a 17-55. They were taken in the late afternoon but the sun was being filtered by clouds drifting through so I got the filtered and direct light. I used a 3.0 ND filter to slow the shutter for the water frost.
I have several versions posted in this gallery and you can display the camera settings I was using. To be sure I got it a shot a ton at different F-stops and exposures for each angle and lens I used. I didn't want to come home and end up saying, oh, I wish I had tried X.!i=2070966994&k=W2g93Kw
Happy shooting.
I'll be there around Oct. 3rd and hope to have good colors and ......clouds!
Your gallery was fun to look at.