Creating pop-up messages on SM
I have a SmugMug Business account and like the way it looks and performs, but I want to add a level of functionality. I don't know if or how I can do it. Please help.
It would be very nice to have a pop-up text message appear within my site. For example. As a sports shooter, I post game galleries on my site, but want to leave them there for a for a limited time. It would be very nice to have a nicely formatted message appear on the home screen (and perhaps again when they click on the individual gallery) telling them that "The 2012 Varsity Baseball pictures will be available until September 30, 2012." It's a subtle, friendly reminder to place orders before the gallery is no longer on-line. From a business standpoint, it also eliminates the tendency of those who never buy anything because they can look at it on-line free whenever they want.
Thoughts. Comments. Advice. All are welcome.
It would be very nice to have a pop-up text message appear within my site. For example. As a sports shooter, I post game galleries on my site, but want to leave them there for a for a limited time. It would be very nice to have a nicely formatted message appear on the home screen (and perhaps again when they click on the individual gallery) telling them that "The 2012 Varsity Baseball pictures will be available until September 30, 2012." It's a subtle, friendly reminder to place orders before the gallery is no longer on-line. From a business standpoint, it also eliminates the tendency of those who never buy anything because they can look at it on-line free whenever they want.
Thoughts. Comments. Advice. All are welcome.
This can be done with some customizations. I had to add a similar box to our help pages yesterday to let SmugMug customers know about the GoDaddy outage. Here is a sample that you can use:
remove the ** when you use the code on your site.
There are other versions on the net that you can use. I am looking at those for a more permanent solution.
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I am working on some better, more customizable options for internal use as well.
If you have some better options, I would love to see them.
How I did it
In CSS In My Custum header
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I asked this question this past summer and here is what I found...
I used a jquery modal called messi modal with it being described here...
The steps I used to insert the code was the following...
1. downloaded the messi.css and messi.js from their provided github site.
2. copied the messi.css and messi.js to the CSS and "Top Javascript" in Advanced Customization (I think I used the min version but they're the same I believe).
3. Also under advanced customizaiton I added the following to the Head tag... And for the Body tag, I added the following... 4. Then for the gallery you want to add the code to, edit the gallery description and add the following code...
You can research other jquery modals on the net to give you the pop up message you're looking for. Hope this helps