Thanks for the nice comments bristlecone and Rags.
Rags - for me, the letters were secondary in the composition. I wanted only one window and the hint of another, so the letters "fell where they may".
Thank-you for commenting Mary. It is always beneficial to know when - to the eye of another photographer - we manage to compose well.
I am a big believer in serendipity (dumb luck) - like the presence of the poinsettia plant, without which I think the comp would not be nearly as interesting.
Did you consider including the "P"?
Great picture! Very nice. Faded indeed.
Rags - for me, the letters were secondary in the composition. I wanted only one window and the hint of another, so the letters "fell where they may".
I am a big believer in serendipity (dumb luck) - like the presence of the poinsettia plant, without which I think the comp would not be nearly as interesting.