I really loved 1 until I scrolled down to 2... then 3. I guess if I had to pick one I would go with 3, but they are all beautiful.
Thanks for your comments Dave, and I'm glad you liked them!
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited September 15, 2012
More good stuff, pard. Like you've noted before, there's that brief period when the passage of a single minute makes for a dramatic difference in a sunset. Nicely captured.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
More good stuff, pard. Like you've noted before, there's that brief period when the passage of a single minute makes for a dramatic difference in a sunset. Nicely captured.
Thanks Tom!
It may not be correct, but to me, it seems as though out West, the sunsets last a lot longer with the best light being a substantial time after the sun dips below the horizon
Randy I have a feeling for each one of these. It had me thinking back to my childhood. I don't know what sequence they were taken, but the first one says to me 'I've stayed out to late'. The 2nd one tells me 'I still have time before heading home' and the 3rd one says to me 'Look for the first star of the evening'. Weird how things like that can pop into one's mind
Randy I have a feeling for each one of these. It had me thinking back to my childhood. I don't know what sequence they were taken, but the first one says to me 'I've stayed out to late'. The 2nd one tells me 'I still have time before heading home' and the 3rd one says to me 'Look for the first star of the evening'. Weird how things like that can pop into one's mind
Awesome, Randy. #3 for me. I love that deeply saturated blue strip of water in 2 and 3.
Thanks Joel
While I did work these a bit in LR, I didn't pump them up very much. If memory serves, I think in two of them I pulled down the saturation a bit. The EXIF time-stamp will reveal the correct sequence, but man did that sky change a lot!
One of the benefits to taking these images was all the waterfowl cooing and quacking on the water. It was as peaceful a setting as it gets...
Interesting to see everyone's comments on which they like the best. Most everyone likes #3. I like the color of the sky the best in #1, so I have to pick that one. The silhouette of the trees look the best in number 1 with that amazing color, in my opinion. They are all great shots, though. Thanks for sharing your work.
Awesome - Like number three the best - Think I would crop out the black in the foregroud some to see how its looks - may make it better or spoil but pob worth a play
Carl Lea Wedding and event photographer - Wellington - Web Site
With the warm sky, and cool water, #2 is by far the winner for me. But the other two are beautiful as well.
Great work!
"The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!"-Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, 1945
Interesting to see everyone's comments on which they like the best. Most everyone likes #3. I like the color of the sky the best in #1, so I have to pick that one. The silhouette of the trees look the best in number 1 with that amazing color, in my opinion. They are all great shots, though. Thanks for sharing your work.
Awesome - Like number three the best - Think I would crop out the black in the foregroud some to see how its looks - may make it better or spoil but pob worth a play
Hey Karl,
Thanks for looking and your suggestion. I did a few variants while cropping, and this had the best comp for my liking.
I do appreciate your input, and would try what you've suggested if I hadn't already
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite is #2.
Chuck Cassidy,
Aperture Focus Photography
Thanks David for your input!
Thanks Chuck,
Looks like #2 is in the lead.
Thanks for your comments Dave, and I'm glad you liked them!
Thanks Tom!
It may not be correct, but to me, it seems as though out West, the sunsets last a lot longer with the best light being a substantial time after the sun dips below the horizon
I enjoyed these
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Link to my Smugmug site
Hi Mary,
I'm glad the images say things to ya'
Hi Denise,
Thanks for looking and your kind comments!
Thanks Joel
While I did work these a bit in LR, I didn't pump them up very much. If memory serves, I think in two of them I pulled down the saturation a bit. The EXIF time-stamp will reveal the correct sequence, but man did that sky change a lot!
One of the benefits to taking these images was all the waterfowl cooing and quacking on the water. It was as peaceful a setting as it gets...
Thanks for looking!
Thanks for your input Trey!
Thanks for looking and your choice Eric!
Thanks for looking Doug, and your comments!
Great work!
I appreciate your in-depth remarks!
Hey Karl,
Thanks for looking and your suggestion. I did a few variants while cropping, and this had the best comp for my liking.
I do appreciate your input, and would try what you've suggested if I hadn't already
Thanks Marvin!
I posted all three because I believe (hopefully at least one) might appeal to different folks!
I was lucky that the sky changes so much to allow three different looks.
It's interesting to see the different preferences and why.
And I completely agree with you about the changes.