Nice shot Gerry, I was wondering why you didn't get any comments
I jsut looked at your "latest" shot, the nature/landscape one, it's beautiful, as are the spider web and others. Really nice compostion and great color.
Very nice. You can improve a lot with a few very simple steps.
Easiest: Post larger size. This image cries out for more detail. Needs to be at least as large as a postcard.
Lose some of that light polution. I made a copy of the blue channel, converted to image to LAB and blended the blue channel into the L channel in overlay mode at 75% opacity:
Emphasize contrast of the lights and buildings with high radius low amount sharpening:
20D l BG-E2 l 17-40L l 24-105L l 50mm 1.8 mKII l 430ex
Thanks for both of your comments. Rock. Center Obsevatory "The Top of the Rock" Just reopened 3 weeks ago after 20 years. Lovely!
I jsut looked at your "latest" shot, the nature/landscape one, it's beautiful, as are the spider web and others. Really nice compostion and great color.