The Bugle of the Bull Elk

I went hiking in the mountains today to try out my new Nex 5n. I also tried out a new (to me) lens I just received, a Takumar 300mm F4 Preset (18 aperture blades).
It is getting into the rut season for elk here in northern Colorado. When you go into the mountains this time of year, you can hear elk bugles echoing through the mountains. It is an awesome sound to hear, especially when you are hiking all alone up in the high country.
Right from the start of the hike today, the elk bugles were numerous. There were many bull elk in the area and they are starting to compete to build their harems. An hour or so into the hike, I heard a loud bugle close by, just up the ridge. I started to climb. Now this time of year you have to be careful getting close to the big bulls, they are pretty touchy and it doesn't take much to set them off.
As I got up to the ridge line, another bugle sounded. It was VERY close. So, I squatted down and started looking through the trees to see if I could spot the bull. It didn't take long to spot him as he slowly moved through the trees (you could hear his antlers hitting against the trees and branches).
I took my time and slowly worked my way towards him. I was none to eager to startle that bull.

15-Sept-2012-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
He had a small harem gathered at the top of the ridge. There were a half dozen cows and a couple of yearlings.

15-Sept-2012-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-3 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-4 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I sat close the the small herd for about an hour. The bull would bugle every few minutes, answering other bugles from other bulls in the area. On a few occasions, other bulls would get too close and he would run down the side of the mountain to chase them off.
During one the bulls absences, a cow grazed up to within 20 feet of me.

15-Sept-2012-5 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-6 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I started to get uncomfortable as more bulls were moving into the area. The bull I've been photographing was starting to get more agitated and huffing/bugling a lot, so I took a couple more photos, then eased away from the herd.

15-Sept-2012-7 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-8 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
It was a great hike and a memorable experience.
I kind of wish I had my K20D with me since this was my first day out with the Nex 5n and I wasn't real comfortable with it, especially with a 300mm lens. The Nex 5n didn't let me down though.
It is getting into the rut season for elk here in northern Colorado. When you go into the mountains this time of year, you can hear elk bugles echoing through the mountains. It is an awesome sound to hear, especially when you are hiking all alone up in the high country.
Right from the start of the hike today, the elk bugles were numerous. There were many bull elk in the area and they are starting to compete to build their harems. An hour or so into the hike, I heard a loud bugle close by, just up the ridge. I started to climb. Now this time of year you have to be careful getting close to the big bulls, they are pretty touchy and it doesn't take much to set them off.
As I got up to the ridge line, another bugle sounded. It was VERY close. So, I squatted down and started looking through the trees to see if I could spot the bull. It didn't take long to spot him as he slowly moved through the trees (you could hear his antlers hitting against the trees and branches).
I took my time and slowly worked my way towards him. I was none to eager to startle that bull.

15-Sept-2012-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
He had a small harem gathered at the top of the ridge. There were a half dozen cows and a couple of yearlings.

15-Sept-2012-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-3 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-4 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I sat close the the small herd for about an hour. The bull would bugle every few minutes, answering other bugles from other bulls in the area. On a few occasions, other bulls would get too close and he would run down the side of the mountain to chase them off.
During one the bulls absences, a cow grazed up to within 20 feet of me.

15-Sept-2012-5 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-6 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I started to get uncomfortable as more bulls were moving into the area. The bull I've been photographing was starting to get more agitated and huffing/bugling a lot, so I took a couple more photos, then eased away from the herd.

15-Sept-2012-7 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

15-Sept-2012-8 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
It was a great hike and a memorable experience.
I kind of wish I had my K20D with me since this was my first day out with the Nex 5n and I wasn't real comfortable with it, especially with a 300mm lens. The Nex 5n didn't let me down though.
Nice bull also!
A bugling bull in the mountains is one of two, of the best sounds available out in the mountains!
(A steam locomotive whistle echoing in the mountains is the other) NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"